Quick Facts
Erlanger, KY
23,569 Square Feet
St. Elizabeth / Corporex
PCA Architecture
Project Type
New Construction / Addition / Expansion
Project Summary
The St. Elizabeth’s SIM Center project was a 23,569 square foot addition to St. Elizabeth’s existing METS Center. Approximately 8,000 SF of the space are administrative offices, with huddle rooms, director offices, open offices, files, storage, and a break room.
Another 8,000 SF of the space is dedicated to the simulation labs to replicate real-life emergency scenarios. The facility includes a Trauma Lab adjacent to an ingress for ambulance emergencies. Control rooms with one-sided mirrors are located adjacent to each lab room. There are five lab rooms and four patient bedrooms, a nurse’s station, and five debriefing rooms. The remaining 7,000 SF is comprised of two large classrooms, two large computer labs, a skills lab, and main lobby.